Mission Statement
When children play freely, they can enhance and develop cognitive, social/emotional and physical development in a nature-enriched environment. The Oak Tree Playhouse values a whole-child approach to education, providing nurturing and loving care. Children will discover the power of play, joy of learning, and wonder of discovery in our program. We foster diversity, welcoming all families with open arms. We demonstrate our commitment to diversity through literature, art activities, a wide range of rich nature materials.
Vision Statement
We envision becoming advocates for children’s lifelong learning. By following every child's interests, and supporting their right to learn, we support them in developing confidence and self-assurance. We believe healthy play creates a path toward healthy adulthood. We let nature be the powerful teacher, showing children how to engage with our community, and sharing gratitude. We shall connect, respect and inspire every child.

Days/Hours of Operation
Tuesday - Thursday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Friday (at Rancho Pardis Farm) 9:00am-12:00pm
*Friday Farm Day will be optional however tuition will be the same. You will have option add in Fridays at your discretion/child’s comfort level.
Ages Served
Mixed Age 2.5-5
*Children who are not yet toilet trained and/or in diapers are accepted
Philosophy of Care
Nature/Play-based and Reggio Emilia (Inspired) Approach
Tuition and Fees
Please contact us for pricing
2023/2024 School Calendar
August 11 - Warming Day (Bring belongings and play with the other children/families)
August 14 - May 31 – Regular school hours begin.
June – Summer Camps (Details to be announced at a later date)
Detial calendar will be provided upon enrollment
July – Closed
OTP’s school calendar will follow Mt Diablo Unified School District Academic Calendar, which can be found here:
Detail calendar will be provided upon enrollment
Ratio and Capacity
5:1 Student and Teacher ratio
10 children maximum
Snacks and Lunch
Student will bring their own lunches
Healthy Snacks will be provided (Organic Fruits, Veggies, whole grain crackers, proteins)
Daily Rhythm (subject to change)
9:00-9:10am - Children arrive
9:00-9:30am - Indoor free play
9:30am - Morning circle (outdoor*)
10:00am – Snack (outdoor*)
10:00am - 12:00pm Outdoor free pay and guided activities
12:00pm - Lunch (outdoor*)
12:30pm - Closing circle and Storytime
12:50- 1:00pm - Children Depart
*weather permitting
Farm Day Friday
I have been going to Rancho Pardis “Farm Friends” program with my daughter for almost 2 years. I fell in love with this program and now I am excited to run my class at this farm! Children will gain gross and fine motor skill, sense of trust thru farm animals and safety, sense of curiosity in nature, body awareness and sensory skills, working together with others and much more!
• get messy (touch dirt!)
• try new things (safe risk taking)
• explore with our senses; touch, sight, sound, and smell (fully engage!)
Children will be dropped off and picked up at 95 Hampton Rd, Briones in front of the Big Red Barn. (go past the house at 95 Hampton and you'll see orange cones & flags further down for the driveway to the barn)
9:00-9:10 Children Arrive
9:10 Morning Circle
9:10-10:00am Farm Chores (collecting eggs, feeding animals, help maintain animal pens etc…)
10:00am snacks
10:00am-11:30am Free play, guided activities, exploring
11:30am Lunch
11:45 Closing Circle and Story Time
12:00pm Children Depart
ADDRESS: 639 Skyline Dr. Martinez, CA 94553
Parental Commitment
No parental commitment is required. However grown-ups are always welcome to come volunteer during the class after getting fingerprinted and TB clearance per state regulations (Read stories, help with snacks, play games etc).
instead of discipline, we use guidance theories as laid out by the National Association for the Education on Young Children (NAEYC). For more information on this please see NAEYC website for definitions and examples: CLICK HERE
More information on guidance policies will be available in the Parent Handbook!